A simple program that can find a peak(local max) value of a 2-d array(matrix).
The code is written by python3.
# Find a Peak of a Matrix.
# Author: lbb
# step: first we get the middle column of this matrix, and find the biggest element of this column.
# then we compare this element between it, it's left element and it's right element.
# if this element is big enough, this element is a peak.
# else condition : Get the slice of the bigger direction(left or right),and do above steps again.
# Time complexity of this algorithm: O(nlogn?) (I think so).
matrix = []
def get_column_max(i: int) -> (int, int): # Function which get a max element of a column.
value, position = matrix[0][i], 0
for rows in range(1, NumOfRows):
if matrix[rows][i] > value:
value, position = matrix[rows][i], rows
return value, position
def find_peak() ->(int,int):
start, ends = 0, NumOfColumns-1
while start < ends:
middle = start + int((ends-start)/2)
maxval, maxpos = get_column_max(middle)
if middle ==0:
if maxval > matrix[maxpos][1]:
return maxpos, 0
start = 1
if matrix[maxpos][middle-1] < maxval and matrix[maxpos][middle+1] < maxval:
return maxpos, middle
elif matrix[maxpos][middle-1] < maxval < matrix[maxpos][middle+1]:
start = middle+1
ends = middle-1
pos = get_column_max(start)
return pos, start
if __name__ == '__main__':
NumOfRows = eval(input('Please input the number of rows:'))
NumOfColumns = eval(input('Please input the number of columns:'))
print('Now input the matrix:(Do not input extra space at the end of each line.)')
for ii in range(NumOfRows):
row = list(input().split(" "))
row = list(map(int, row))
# print(matrix)
result = find_peak()
# print(result)
print("The position of the peak from this matrix is: ")
print("Row: "+str(int(result[0])+1))
print("Column: "+str(int(result[1])+1))
print("And it's vaule is: "+ str(matrix[result[0]][result[1]]))